kabocha muffins
Saturday, August 25, 2012
recipe time!
kabocha muffins
Thursday, June 14, 2012
tanning tips
for some of us, the sun's rays are very beneficial and energizing (some constitutions don't require sun and for others it can be harmful). like anything else, it takes a little work to obtain a healthy and radiant glow. for those who are friends with the sun, here are my tips on getting some great vitamin d and warm color.
1. use product in excessive doses, the sun can damage skin and cause wrinkles, so it's important to use hats and the appropriate spf. apply spf first before any tanning aid. its been said that any spf over 30 is pointless, so just make sure you use a paraben-free one to prevent burning. (i apply sunscreen on my face regularly and on my body if i will be exposed for an extended amount of time) next step is your tanning aid. if you are short on time, i love using this maui babe browning lotion as the coffee accelerates absorption but keeps you hydrated. be careful as it will stain fabric, so this one's best used away from the pool. for straight oils, i like pure coconut oil and hawaiian tropic spray. the spray's good for posterior application when a friend isn't able to help you out :) keep your skin moisturized to prevent any peeling. there's no harm in using a little self-tanner to even out, by the way.
2: timing is everything the sun is strongest between 11a-2p. for your first couple of times out, i would recommend laying out 30 minutes outside of that window, so that your skin doesn't go into shock. once you start laying out in that prime time window, you can go up to 1 hour total. to build a nice base, 40 minutes total at 3 times a week for a couple of weeks is good. once you have your base, you won't need more than 20 minutes per session a couple times a week to maintain. with that base and a good spf, you will also be able to hang out poolside or at the beach and not worry about burning ever!
3. think even and turn turn turn! like anything, consistency and balance is key. so if you plan on laying out for 40 minutes, make sure to split your time between laying on your stomach, on both sides and on your back. this is easy to do when you're with friends, then you can play a game of chess, chat or read. if you fall asleep, make sure you have a way to wake up when its time to turn.
4. know your limits don't rush into getting a dark tan right away by staying out for longer than the suggested times. that will only burn your skin and poison you. intuitively, your body will tell you when you have had enough. you can sense what is a good color to maintain and what is appropriate for your skin tone. again, like most things, moderation is best when it comes to tanning.
and there you have it! if you heed these tips, you will nurture a great, long-lasting and healthy glow that will take you through the whole season and into autumn!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
let's talk about the tush
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
a valentine love letter
usually i don't post about personal relations, but i've been a bit obsessed with perfecting my work lately, so i figured i'd balance things out by writing about other topics of interest. and so this time i write about men and marital status.
the thing is, it's been an interesting time, being without a solid mate for some years now. it has definitely provided some comedy but also some serious introspection. ever since a final breakup from a very intense and passionate 15-year relationship with one man, i’ve met some, err, interesting males lately - the ones that "sext" right away, the ones that asked if i was single because i was crazy, the ones that wanted me to be their sugar mammas, etc...and meeting them made it pretty easy to stay by myself!
comedy aside, i’ve also experienced a couple of very intriguing “connections”, but alas, neither stuck – whether it was due to bad timing or the fact that i subconsciously made choices that kept me from being a part of a long-lasting pair. sure, i love my friends, family and the people i work with wholeheartedly but i asked myself, “what did it mean to open my heart...in that way?”
a recent article addressing being an unmarried/single woman actually helped me answer this question. it reminded me to embrace this time as an independent person. i am guilty of seeing time as an unmarried as a temporary stop – a time to pass through - but living this way, one can’t experience the important moments that are the true gifts in life that actually feed one’s heart. i wholeheartedly needed to embrace my strengths, weaknesses, failures, accomplishments and my dreams, just like i did before i was with my guy. this was the key - to consistently love my life choices as i am without any relation to one man. by embracing who i am and where i am now, i face the world with honesty and purity, and perhaps one day will be with a mate who will be the best complement to my true self.
of course, for me, there’s nothing better than being in a pair and part of a team – it’s the best feeling to have when you each know you have a mate and partner to protect, care, support and comfort one another. so no, man, i'm not crazy. i’m just not going to settle for anything less than extraordinary, it’s just not my style.
i know i’m different. i don't get excited by chocolate on valentine's day. but sure, i love gestures of stargazer lilies & pony roses and jewelry (on any day). i'm particular as i am open-minded...and like anyone, selfish at my worst and selfless at my best. it took a special man to inspire me to stick with him (and to put up with me, frankly!). and so i continue on, with my sweet doggie as my protector and companion. life is rich and extraordinary full of intangible gifts. no more questions really, just loving gratitude for all that i am and all that is right now.
Monday, January 9, 2012
pilates and pregnancy
ever since i started teaching pilates several years ago, i've had the great fortune of having a very high client retention rate. i've seen my clients move through major life stages, i.e. getting a dream job, sending kids off to school, wedding planning, etc...and one of the more fascinating physical examples of these stages is pregnancy.
Monday, January 2, 2012
good thoughts for ourselves and a happy 2012!
"i will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet" - what an awesome quote from mahatma gandhi - and it should also pertain to our own feet, not just others. gandhi's also quoted in this article that one of my colleagues, a coveted yoga tune up teacher, posted recently. it's a great explanation of how our thoughts influence our actions.
metaphysically and spiritually, we all know that it's important to think good thoughts, both for ourselves and others. now science has a cool way of illustrating how and why. if you want to make some changes in your life - or reinforce the great things that are already there - then be mindful of your own thoughts and be your best coach!